mardi 5 avril 2016

Another holiday, another church visit...

One of the things I love about Home Assignment is visiting our supporting churches. There has been quite a variety to what we've been asked to do, from 5-minute interviews to entire evening meetings presenting our work. Last Sunday in Marc's sister Anne's church in Ris-Orangis they asked us to give a presentation about our work during the service, and asked Marc to preach (one hour in all), and then to stay on for the youth group meeting in the afternoon to talk about "call to mission".

As usual, we enjoyed meeting people who were interested in our work and in mission in general and who had lots of questions. It seems to me that in every meeting someone comes up with an original question we've never heard before!

During the presentation:

Marc preaching:

At the youth group:

Because of a mystery virus Benjy may or may not have had last week (he had an impressive rash for 24 hours) the doctor said he couldn't be in contact with small children until Monday. So Marc and I left all three kids with their French grandparents while we drove to the other side of Paris for church. To be honest, it was a refreshing change to be able to concentrate on what we were doing without having to think about crowd control all day (as it were!). And it gave us a chance to get to know our niece and nephews better - I had 3 year old Jean on my lap for the whole sermon, which might not have been allowed if Eve had been around!

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