At the beginning of July, when we were at our debriefing at the SIM France base in Orange, someone asked me if we were planning a trip to England this summer. I replied that I had no idea - plans just seemed presumptuous! - and that we had first to concentrate on finding somewhere to live.
Once we had signed for the flat, I asked Marc if he thought it was a bit mad to try to get across to see Mum in August, and he said that on the contrary, he thought that we really ought to. And so we booked ourselves a return trip on the Eurotunnel, travelling on Wednesdays as the quietest day, and praying that rumours of quarantine would not come true (too soon). The Eurotunnel is the perfect way to travel at the moment, as we stayed in our own car the whole time, and didn't come into direct contact with anyone except masked customs officials.
It was such a special week! The weather held, and so we went out walking every day - another pretty good way of avoiding crowds! Neither we nor Mum had really dared hope to see each other this summer, so it was a great gift!
It was also lovely to join her church via YouTube for the Sunday morning service, and then for her to watch with us the evening service we'd prepared for Christ Church Bedford.

In the Peaks with Mum

Podding peas
I'm very glad to say that we were back in France before any quarantines were re-imposed!
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