Last month I wrote about the way our outings to test our translated texts in surrounding villages is bringing God's word to people who have never heard it before. We have also recently started making our consultant-validated OT books available to people in the church. They always were available in theory, but no one asked and we hadn't really pushed the idea.
Then one person asked for a copy of the book of Job. Others saw it, and asked to have their own copy. I made a list of books we've already checked, with prices based on the price of photocopies, and it was circulated, firstly to the church elders and then more widely. It's been great to see people's enthusiasm, and we hope that it may also help us to pick up any small errors still hiding away in the text.
The book of Ruth in Monkolé (sometimes the photocopies aren't very good quality, but it is at least readable!):
As we were reading through the book of Numbers last week, checking our translation with our consultant, we came upon the words:
"and the livestock of the Levites" (in Numbers 3:41)
Just at the point the word "livestock" was read, a flock of sheep came running into our compound, as if they'd been waiting for their cue:
Enter SHEEP stage left (running)
It gave us a good laugh, which is always welcome when we're working through a detailed and repetitive text!
Some local sheep (though not running and not in our compound):