Parents of young children may not have as much spare time, but I do think it is good for us and our children to have hobbies or projects. I was impressed by all the different sports and other activities our children were able to try at school in France last year, and decided that one thing we could do here was to learn the recorder. I learned as a child (descant and tenor) so with a good book I am capable of teaching, and I thought it would at least be good for them to learn to read music. If they could enjoy it as well, and perhaps go on to learn another instrument later, all the better!
The boys, therefore, have been having recorder lessons (and practice sessions) since September. So that they could see that I was also setting myself a challenge, and so that we will be able to play duets in due course, I have set myself to learning to play the treble recorder. Learning new fingering is a little like learning to speak a new language, but it is coming!

I have also been carrying on with crochet, and made this doll for Eve's birthday: